Detection - Verification - Documentation
Detection - Verification - Documentation



MEP stands for Monitoring Exacerbation Probability.


Acute exacerbations of COPD are a defining feature of the course and prognosis of the disease. Therefore, in the recent past, the frequency and severity of exacerbations have increasingly become the focus of attention. The treatment strategy for patients with frequent exacerbations - GOLD classification E - differs markedly from the basic therapy for infrequently exacerbating patients.


Accordingly, in the long-term care of COPD patients, it is important to meticulously record and document exacerbations.


In the past, however, it was shown that a systematic recording of exacerbations of the respective past years (GOLD recommendation: last 2 years) was incomplete. The reason for this was the lack of an active systematic query, limited patient memory and non-standardised recording in the patient documentation. Based on the knowledge of these deficits, the MEP test was developed on the initiative of the Federal Association of Pneumologists in Germany.


The MEP test focuses the attention of patient and practitioner on exacerbations at every patient contact. In case of an indicative test result with a native MEP score ≥ 1, the past exacerbation must be verified. The verified MEP score is documented in the long-term follow-up and is available to all practitioners at a glance. In this way, the decision for possible treatment, e.g. according to GOLD E, is optimally prepared.



The MEP test was included as a recommendation in the German COPD Guideline (National Care Guideline COPD/NVL COPD)